preparation that will enable education students to assume leadership roles. This means developing knowledgeable educators who are leaders and educational leaders who understand curriculum, students and teaching methods. Helping students prepare for teaching necessitates program attention to the six areas of the Newman University School of Education Conceptual Framework.
In fulfilling this mission and goals, the students who complete programs in the Newman University School of Education will be:
Knowledgeable educators who engage in critical thinking, possess basic quantitative skills, and communicate effectively. Graduates will also be acquainted with the major concepts and structures of their disciplines, with how individuals learn, with instructional and assessment strategies that ensure continual development of learners, and with the integration across content areas and technology to enrich curriculum and enhance instructional practices.
Caring educators who are concerned about the whole person, in self and in others; who demonstrate responsibility to the community and society; who respect the dignity of every person by creating instructional opportunities that are equitable for all learners; who listen carefully and seek to understand and do what is just; and who make ethical decisions.
Reflective educators who are perceptive, curious, discerning and who use good judgment; who evaluate the effects of their choices; who understand the historical, philosophical, and social foundations of education that guide educational practices; who exhibit life-long learning.
Visionary educators who collaborate with other s to transform; who use data, research and best instructional practices to achieve a virtuous learning community; and who use assessment strategies to ensure the continual development of all learners.
Collaborative educators who value collegial relationships as well as the knowledge and insights acquired from them; who respectfully listen to others; who seek to join others in fostering active inquiry and supportive interaction in the classroom; who work to transform and to improve schools through instructional strategies focusing upon improved learning for all students.
Ethical educators who embody goodness, integrity, truth, justice, and compassion as well as employ a moral and ethical framework in decision-making; and whose decisions are crafted in the pursuit of the common good, which includes advancing the causes of peace and justice.